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Parrenthorn High School works with Place2Be, a mental health charity that helps young people to explore their emotions and feel better about themselves.

“When I feel worried, it’s like I’m in a maze and the people in Place2Be are coming with a torch and showing me the way” – Boy 

“My daughter had become such a different person – one we didn’t recognise – but since counselling we see signs of our old loving daughter coming back.” – Parent 

Young people can go to the Place2Be room in school to express themselves by making art, talking and more. 

When is Place2Be useful?

Sometimes young people can feel particularly anxious, low, confused or angry.

Maybe something difficult happened at home, like losing a family member or parents separating. Or perhaps they’re struggling with something at school, like bullying. 

This can make them behave differently, lose confidence in themselves or find it difficult to concentrate in class.

Place2Be is there to help young people find ways to cope, so their worries don’t get in the way of their friendships, their learning or how they feel about themselves. 

What does Place2Be do? 

Place2Be’s professionals work with young people one-to-one or in small groups, giving regular support for pupils who need it. 

Young people can also book a short appointment to talk about any problems or worries they have – this is called Place2Talk. 

How does Place2Be work with adults? 

As well as working with children, Place2Be can also offer support for parents and carers of children attending school:

Parenting Smart

Place2Be’s Parenting Smart is a new site for parents and carers of 4-11 year olds, offering practical advice on supporting your child and managing behaviour. Learn more at parentingsmart.org.uk

Parenting Smart – on line course

We also offer a six-week online parenting course, offering practical advice on supporting your child and managing behaviour. You can access the course from your mobile phone, tablet, or any other device. Learn more at place2be.org.uk/family

Parent Partnership

Our Family Practitioner can also offer telephone consultations for up to six weeks which can either be split weekly, fortnightly, or monthly. These sessions are offered as a way to guide, support and offer advice to parents and carers experiencing emotional difficulties linked to their child.

Any questions? 

Sue Udall is our Place2Be staff member.  She works on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday.

You can either arrange to meet Sue at school or get in touch on place2be@parrenthorn.co.uk

If you want to find out more about Place2Be visit place2be.org.uk & place2be.org.uk/family

english p2talk parent carer info sheet july 23 final cln ptt doc1.pdf

 Bury Young People’s Mental Health Support Team (MHST)


Bury young people’s mental health support team is for children and teenagers in schools and colleges across Bury who are experiencing low level mental health issues such as worry, anxiety and low mood.

Our mission is to help young people reach their full potential, by offering the right support, in the right place, at the right time. We take a joined-up approach, based on each young person’s individual needs.

We help parents understand their child’s anxiety and low mood; and offer guidance and training to school staff. Our aim is to establish a whole school approach towards positive mental health and wellbeing.


Our service is run by mental health practitioners from Pennine Care NHS Foundation Trust and Early Break.

• Pennine Care NHS Foundation Trust: We provide mental health, learning disability and autism services for people of all ages across Greater Manchester. Our dedicated child and adolescent mental health staff work hard to make sure children, young people and families receive the right care, at the right time, in the right place: www.penninecare.nhs.uk.

• Early Break: We are a local charity with over 25 years’ experience of providing support to children, young people and families across Greater Manchester. We specialise in substance use, emotional health and wellbeing and family support: www.earlybreak.co.uk


We offer specialist skills and experience with regards to early mental health intervention, as well as school advice and guidance.

We provide three main services:

1. Evidence-based interventions for mild to moderate mental health issues – this includes various types of therapy, such as low-level cognitive behavioural informed therapy (positively changing thoughts and behaviour), group work, advice and consultation or signposting for additional support and services.

2. Support the mental health lead in each school or college to introduce or develop their whole school or college approach to promote wellbeing.

3. Give advice to school and college staff and liaise with external specialist services - to help children and young people get the right support and stay in education and thrive.


We work all year round, including school holidays.

If you are a parent or carer, please speak to your child’s teacher, or the school’s designated mental health lead (Ms S Bodkin) about how our service can help you.


Jack Wolstenholme - Jack.Wolstenholme@nhs.net

Useful Links

MHST Website: https://www.penninecare.nhs.uk/burymhst
CAMHS Website: https://www.penninecare.nhs.uk/CAMHS
Twitter: https://twitter.com/PennineCAMHS
Padlet: https://padlet.com/ThriveinBury/thriving-in-bury-for-children-and-young-people